CRC Instructions

The final version of the paper should add any information removed to anonymise the paper and remove any line numbering added for the review process. Please do take into account the comments from the reviewers and meta-reviewers when preparing your paper. Papers should be prepared according to the published specification for formatting and style. The length should not exceed 10 pages excluding the references. Any appendices must precede the reference list. This one extra page in the final accepted version provides the authors space to address reviewer comments and add acknowledgement where appropriate.

Authors of accepted papers should have uploaded both the final version of their paper and the associated one-page extended abstract by abstract deadline via the BMVC 2015 CMT site

Extended Abstracts

As more conferences move to online-only proceedings, conference attendees often complain that they miss having the physical proceedings as something to refer to during the conference. It is not always convenient to open one’s laptop and read the papers, nor is it easy to “flip through” the proceedings. BMVC gives attendees the best of both worlds by supplying a book of extended abstracts printed in high-quality colour as well as the online proceedings.

It is therefore required that all accepted papers are accompanied by a camera-ready “one-pager” for inclusion in the extended abstracts book. The one-pager is a great opportunity to allow the audience to see the essence of your paper, encouraging them to attend the talk or visit the poster. For example, see bmvc_abstract.pdf which took less than an hour to prepare and provides a valuable summary of the full-length paper. It is recommended that the authors devote some effort to preparing this summary, as it is rather different than just writing an abstract. For one thing, equations, figures, and references are encouraged and useful (see the provided example, and abstracts from BMVC 2009).

Click here to submit your CRC paper and one-page abstract.

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